Thursday, March 15, 2012

I am Esther.  I gave a speech about cell phones.  Here it is!

Cell phones were first invented in 1973 – three years before my Mom was born!  However, they have become popular just in the last decade as they have become less expensive.

This is how cell phones work.  Your voice gets turned into a special electronic signal that goes to the cell phone tower.  The tower sends it to the person that you are calling and their phone takes those signals and turns it back into your voice.

Cell phones are more than just phones.  They have other cool things on them,
like games, cameras, alarms, different ringtones and painting, calculators, stopwatches, clocks, and you can do texting and voicemail.

Another cool thing about cell phones is that they can be in places where regular phones cannot be!  Like in the car, at a park, or at school (like our Foreign Exchange Sister, Gaby).  Some countries that never had landlines use cell phones now!

My mom first got a cell phone when she was pregnant with her second child and wanted to be able to call Daddy in any situation in case she went into labor. My brother got one because of all the cool stuff that comes with it and so he can call his friends even if someone else is using the landline.

People like to be in touch with other people and not miss our phone calls. Also, we like the feeling of safety it gives us to be able to call from anywhere.  Cell phones are the progressive invention that we needed for these reasons.

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