Wednesday, April 11, 2012

WFBL Champions!

WFBL is a fantasy basketball league. WFBL = Wasatch Front Basketball League. there are 2 divisions.
 World = Blue.Wasatch = Red. My (T.J.'s) team on WFBL is New York Kings. This is they're first year in the championship game. Last year, Truman (St. George Underdogs) won the championship game. This year, STG had a really good year. But not good enough. My Dad's team (Salt Lake Snowbees) did really bad. I need luck. All of NYK's centers and power forwards  are injured  except LeMarcus Aldridge. He's good, but he is only one person. this is the link to WFBL: WFBL . My uncle's team is the Zermatt Abominables. He has never missed a championship game until now. The team That NYK is facing is Park City Sundancers. See Link for details.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Karina says Hi!

I am Karina. I love my family thay are sooo good to me. Reed and Miriam  are sooo cute. I love them soo much! Bye, see you soon!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

about me: T.J.

I am 11 years old, oldest, and the one on the left of the student body pix. I am the only kid responsible to have a cell. I love to play any kind of sport, especially basketball. I am a big fan of the broncos, and Tim Tebow (but not the jets). I also like reading, although not as much as Truman (who is an absolute addict). I am writing a book about time travel, and trying to make it as believable as possible. My 3 best friends are Jamon & Chandler, (who I hang out with the most,) and Divani (Truman is his friend too). I will probably be adding Nathan and some others to that list. my favorite college is BYU!

I have found that since i like to read so much, i like to write, also. I am currently writing my eighth novel.
to read some of the books i am so awesomely writing, go to: and either read the novel that comes up, or click on "read" and search one of the following: tanner's journal, the soul stone, Mr. moose, the kid with powers, and my crime books one and two.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I am Esther.  I gave a speech about cell phones.  Here it is!

Cell phones were first invented in 1973 – three years before my Mom was born!  However, they have become popular just in the last decade as they have become less expensive.

This is how cell phones work.  Your voice gets turned into a special electronic signal that goes to the cell phone tower.  The tower sends it to the person that you are calling and their phone takes those signals and turns it back into your voice.

Cell phones are more than just phones.  They have other cool things on them,
like games, cameras, alarms, different ringtones and painting, calculators, stopwatches, clocks, and you can do texting and voicemail.

Another cool thing about cell phones is that they can be in places where regular phones cannot be!  Like in the car, at a park, or at school (like our Foreign Exchange Sister, Gaby).  Some countries that never had landlines use cell phones now!

My mom first got a cell phone when she was pregnant with her second child and wanted to be able to call Daddy in any situation in case she went into labor. My brother got one because of all the cool stuff that comes with it and so he can call his friends even if someone else is using the landline.

People like to be in touch with other people and not miss our phone calls. Also, we like the feeling of safety it gives us to be able to call from anywhere.  Cell phones are the progressive invention that we needed for these reasons.

Monday, March 12, 2012


as you saw in my "about me" post, i love to read. thus i have many books that i love, so I'll just do the latest one that i have read. it's part of a series called "bunnicula". I've read all the books, so I'll just review them all.
the first one, bunnicula: a rabbit-tale of a mystery, is were the pets get introduced. the story is written by a dog named Harold. he has a cat named Chester, and a pet bunny they found at the movie "Dracula". Chester is certain that the bunny is a vampire himself, especially when the vegetables started turning white. he makes hilarious attempts to stop the cute bunny, such as, pounding him with a sirloin steak, stuff like that. the second one is where all the pets except for bunnicula go to Chateau bow-wow. or, as Chester calls it, "howliday inn".
once they arrive there, all settled in they're bungalows, when they hear a unusual howling that Chester is sure that only a werewolf could be capable of that sound. a little later in the story, they meet two dachshunds who say they were sorry about last night's sound. now Chester is certain that they are half-werewolf. when mysterious disappearances start to happen, Chester suspects everyone, like every good detective should.
the third one, the celery stalks at midnight, is where Chester believes that when bunnicula strikes vegetables, they become his servants. thus, he sends Harold and a new puppy, Howie, out to stab the "evil" vegetables with toothpicks. the forth one, nighty-nightmare, is where they go to the Monroe's cabin on the lake, and they meet some new people. well, the pets only meet one, but the humans meet three. the fifth one, bunnicula strikes again, is where, you know, bunnicula strikes again. and the last one, Edgar Allen crow, is where the Monroe's favorite author, M. T. Graves, comes to they're house to stay. Chester, however, thinks that there is something suspicious about the famous author. when bunnicula suddenly disappears, Chester suspects Mr. Graves again.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


I'm an enthusiastic reader, as in if you put a good 700-page book in my hands, i can read it in a day. my favorite subject, (other than reading,) is science. my favorite food is blueberries, so if you happen to meet me, feed me them or else. as you can probably tell, I'm a pretty goofy guy. if not, then you should read this post again.